Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Sweetness Sixteen!!!

You thought it was gone? How wrong you were. Here are the results of the tens of responses I got for the sweetest thing ever. Several of the responses were similar so they have been combined. Here are the matchups, vote early and often.

The Nature Bracket
The smell in the air after a summer rain storm.
The sun shining off of the snow after an overnight storm...all is quiet.

Driving through the country in the fall, windows down, music on, leaves changing.
The smell of the ocean breeze in your super suite comfy beachfront hotel room, first thing in the morning.

The Sports Bracket
Playing your best game ever, everything you did was great.
Your favorite team winning it all.

That moment when you did one thing perfectly (crush golf/soft ball, dunk, motorbike jump etc.)
Playing your favorite sport with your friends and having a great day.

School/Work Bracket
2 hour delay
Having a sharp, brand new pencil and clear paper and time to create.

Doing great on a test (whether you thought you'd done well or not).
The last day of school (or work before vacation).

Random Sweet Thing Bracket
Getting lost in a concert moment, your favorite song, dancing, screaming, having a blast.
Shopping and finding exactly the right size...on sale.

Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing you have hours left to sleep.
Going to an amusement park on a sunny/perfect day (being next in line on a rollercoaster).

I will take votes through the blog (worth 2 points) and via email/IM/text/person to person (worth 1 point). Results to be posted later this week!


Hannah said...

Okay, I'm weighing in...

1 - The smell of the air after a summer rain storm wins. Considering the overall hatred I have for snow, in no way is it ever beautiful to me.
2 - The smell of the ocean breeze. This choice was a bit tough, but since this one is rare to never for me, I believe it to be sweeter. I like the picture of the fall leaves... but pretty common.

1 - Clearly my favorite team winning it all (Steelers - Super Bowl) since I have no desire to play any game well.
2 - I find neither of these to be sweet, but will go with playing something with friends because friends are sweet.

1 - 2 hour delay. Few things are sweeter than extra sleep, particularly unexpected extra sleep.
2 - The last day of school for sure! There was something so magical about that day! Nothing really compares to it in the working world.

1 - Shopping day and finding your right size on sale!! Absolutely. And this is my choice for overall winner.
2 - This was probably the toughest for me, but since sleep won an earlier one (the 2 hour delay), I'm going with the amusement park. Sunny day. Friends. Rollercoasters. Smell of funnel cakes in the air. Pretty dang sweet.


Crafty P said...

You are hysterical.

Okay... I feel a bit more confident about this type of betting:

I'll take the smell in the air afte a summer rain storm. ahhhh
Driving through the country in the fall, windows down, music on, leaves changing. - I heart fall

Your favorite team winning it all.-
That moment when you did one thing perfectly (crush golf/soft ball, dunk, motorbike jump etc.)

School/Work Bracket
2 hour delay- I still LOVE 2 hr delays
Doing great on a test (whether you thought you'd done well or not).- not the best test taker, so this is likened to the "moment you did one thing perfectly" in the sports bracket

Random Sweet Thing Bracket

Getting lost in a concert moment, your favorite song, dancing, screaming, having a blast.- man, I'm jumping ship on my comment to go with this one. I love me some music, especially concerts. I have so many amazing memories tied to songs. I'll take this one for ALL the money.

Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing you have hours left to sleep.- when you're a mom, nothing compares to getting more sleep than you bargained for...ahhh.