Sunday, March 2, 2008


How many of you, you being people who drive with a modicum of responsibility, have had multiple people honk at you when you are driving? Further, how many of you have actually had people yell out the window at you?

Both have happened to me but I think that I have cornered the market on female yellers. Once I was going the wrong way, knew it, and was going 5 miles an hour on a 3o ft. wide road, (the entrance/exit to Linton Jr. High just after they switched directions). I stayed way to the right and crept up the ramp. A lady came flying around the corner and screamed out her window (20 ft. away from me) "You son of a %itch!!!". I had to stop the car I was laughing so much. This was the only time I could have been considered in the wrong at all.

I have had females yell out the window at me no less than 5 times. I am committing right here on this blog to follow the next one (at a safe distance) no matter long it takes, and eventually asking them, "What's wrong? Are you ok? Why are you so angry? Can I pray for you? Who pooped in your Cheerios? Did you vote for John Kerry?"

Now, I put this in the same category as the, "I'm going to write a letter of complaint!" which never happens. We all know I won't but it's nice to dream. What scares me is that a guy who rolled through a stop sign honked at me the other day. I knew he would so I turned and acted surprised while yelling "Heyyyyyyyyyy" and waved out the window as if we were long lost friends. He must be gruff with his friends as he gave me the finger. Have I branched out to irrational male hate as well? What could the spring hold for me as windows come down again?


Amanda said...

Haha, it makes me laugh to think of all these people yelling at you, and you not caring at all :]. I love when people yell at you, when they are the ones who don't know how to drive. But i have to admit, usually i'm the one yelling at people (But i never scream out the window or beep), haha.

Jim said...

I just realized how much I miss driving. While I do like the unique sociological experience of riding the subway, sometimes I just like to have my own space. I also like to be able to yell at other people without getting beat up, which I can do in my own car.

Courtney said...

a couple months ago I was crossing the parking lot at Home Depot, and a woman stopped her car, rolled down the window, LEANED OUT, and screamed, "b*tch!" Apparently I wasn't walking fast enough? Or she saw me with her boyfriend? :)
Either way, I totally feel your pain.